Noah's ARC is the home of all those who served in The 14th/20th King's Hussars - the finest Regiment of the British Army in which anyone would ever want to serve. The Regiment was amalgamated in 1992 with the Royal Hussars (PWO) to become one of todays Royal Armoured Corps regiments, The King's Royal Hussars. But today we are proud to boast possibly the largest ex-members club of old comrades from any Regiment past or present.
Our aim is to perpetuate the memory of the 14th/20th King's Hussars and if ever you marched behind our Guidon you are most welcome to join us. If you did not, we equally welcome you in visiting us.
Our Purpose
www.1420th.org.uk & www.noahs-arc.org.uk & www.1420h.org.uk & www.1420h.co.uk

80th Anniversary - Full Itinerary
MEDICINA 2025 - Available for booking now:
We are pleased to present details of our trip to celebrate the liberation of Medicina on 16th April 2025.
The one-price trip includes:
You can read and download the full itinerary and details of how to book here:
You can confirm your booking details (flights) here:

Following discussions with the hotel the committee can confirm reunion 2025 will be held at the Sheraton Hotel 1st - 4th May 2025.
Prices have slightly increased but still cheaper than anywhere else and I am sure all those that attended this year will agree it was well worth the price. The cost will be Fri and Saturday night £184 per person. Add Thursday or Sunday the cost is £231 pp, and add both Thursday and Sunday it's £278pp. Being bank holiday I'm booked for all 4. £50 pp deposit required on booking.
You are now able to book your rooms by calling 01253 352723 and quoting 'Noah’s Arc', NB YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BOOK ONLINE as all rooms are allocated to me, The Oic bookings is called Tracie so any issues in the first instance speak to her then either me or Darryl.
We are looking at a min of 170 pax for Fr/Sat so please book The Sheraton before looking elsewhere. We are looking to improve the reunion for the 4th year running and think we can. So don't delay, the sooner you book the better room you can have all at the same cost.
Prunts, 6 June 2024

The Official Photographs Album is available here for viewing :)
A big cheer for

Glen has produced this fabulous collection for you to view. Click on the link below (Gallery) to access the Album and make your purchases. You'll need a Password - use 'Sussex' to gain admittance.


Prunts, 12 May 2024

I Hope everybody got home safely from what was yet another fantastic Noah’s arc reunion. This year was the first year in a
new hotel and in my opinion the management and staff of the Sheraton Hotel Blackpool pulled out all the stops to make our
weekend special. As usual a number of people had booked from the Thursday and didn’t waste much time taking advantage of
the 10% bar discount that was to stay in place until the last of us left on Sunday, I certainly made the most of it and
saw my first 4am the following morning in 30 years. Following dinner, the hotel had laid on entertainment in the Sheraton
suite and the hotel slowly began to fill up.
More continued to arrive throughout Friday and it was good to see new faces like Gordon and Angela Souther who will hopefully
be able stay with us for the duration next year and Max Wall who had travelled over from Australia, amongst many others old
and new Derrick Hindle set up his 6GR stall as a registered collector and with his raffle he made a total of £860 to be sent
to the Gurkha welfare fund.
It was then ready to open your wardrobes and pull out your flares with music from the Abbarettes, there were some fantastic
70s costumes, well done to Natalie Price and Carl Smith who won the prizes for best dressed. Natalie looked stunning but I
don’t really want to say who Carl came as ha-ha. The Hotel did us proud with the buffet and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The night continued with the DJ till the early hours, and I only managed 3am this time.
Saturday morning saw the sun shining ready for what was to be a fantastic day although I still never made breakfast, I would
like the thank Eileen (who keeps me in check), for the bacon and egg sandwich ready for when I opened my eyes. Lots went of
into town or enjoyed the hotel leisure facilities, or just chilled out until the tombola was ready, again Thanks to Eileen
and many of you who donated, the tombola prizes were fantastic and along with “name the teddy” again made by Eileen we made
plenty for the funds, the teddy was called JC won by Jack Woodruff who renamed him Bob Winch and is sure to have pride of place
in Jacks man cave. Also, thanks to Philipa and Trish who helped out for the afternoon.
Time moved on and it was nearly time to enjoy our Gala dinner. Meeting for photographs and the drinks reception people gathered
and waited for the drum call, however due to the fact Ryan Cartwright has been posted to Estonia and unable to make it we had
Darryl and Dave Higson (who made a special trip but didn’t stay) to blow for dinner and we were all called to our tables. Due
to the low ceilings in the hotel, we were unable to march in the flag, but things are in place to try next year. We went straight
into the toast to Absent friends and some of you noticed the Absent friends table setting but we have done this for the last few
years but with the size of the room in the imperial I don’t think it was noticed.
This year we had Lt Col Andrew Harman Regimental Association Chairman as guest of honour to give a talk on HHQ Welfare. Andrew,
forgive the introduction I just couldn’t help myself ha-ha. Brig Smales gave a few words and then onto the meal. Its no
exaggeration to say the food served was the best we have had in many years. For the second time in my chairmanship, we have
been entertained by the Lancashire Royal Artillery Volunteer Band and I am sure everyone would agree are amazing. They enjoy
performing for us especially the Sqn marches and Sussex by the sea as we are all in fine voice for that, and they can’t wait to
come back so that’s what we are going to try to do for next year too, so fingers crossed!
Again, there were many prizes on the raffle thanks to all those that donated, the chair was won by Natalie Price although Waggy
had his eye on it. We then carried on again into the early hours with the DJ. And all those that never attended the dinner but
came to join friends in the bar thank you too, as whatever the committee does its all of you that make Noah’s Arc as successful
as it is.
I have had a great time since I had the honour of being voted in as Chairman of Noah’s Arc over 4 years ago and apart from the
Covid days we have had some fantastic reunions as well as other get togethers, I hope you have all had a fantastic time and
are satisfied with the state of the Arc now and the work we have done in bringing us back together following some darker days.
Some of you may be aware that I had intended to step down this year and hand over to a new Chairman at the next reunion, however
speaking to many of you over the weekend, pondering it all night and chatting with the other members of the committee, I have
decided just to hang onto the reins a little longer. If it’s what the majority want. It gives me pleasure in seeing everyone
have a great time together and just want to see if I/we can improve on the next reunion.
Following feedback I have now confirmed with the hotel that we are willing to return for reunion 2025 and have given dates for
the weekend of 2nd /3rd May It is the Bank holiday and my thinking is that those wishing more alcohol recovery time can stay on
the Sunday too and as I believe a number of you wish to attend Medicina in April I didn’t want to clash with That weekend. I have
also pre booked the sunshine so hopefully tans can be topped up.
Please see below for a statement of account running from reunion 23/24 and thank you all for your donations throughout the year
and the one we got towards the drink’s reception. It is getting harder to raise money, but we will always try our best as without
it we don’t get the added extras we all enjoy. As you can see, we have a good pot for a few years yet but if you want to donate
here are the details.
Noah’s Arc
Prunts, 29 April 2024

Note: During dinner we will be entertained by the Lancashire artillery volunteer band. Who will play squadron marches and Sussex by the sea
so please be in good voice. also, During the evening there will be a raffle with all proceeds going back into Noah’s Arc account.
Throughout the day there will also be the odd football card etc going around, again to top up the Arc coffers.
Additional information:
Some of you may notice the scaffolding outside the hotel. This was due to be removed in March, however they have
come across a few problems and will not now be removed until June. The hotel apologies for any inconvenience but
this by no way reduces the quality of the hotel inside.
There will be no shop over the weekend however I will be in possession of a few flags, ties and badges. Should
anybody require anything you will find me in a bar somewhere. There is also the option of buying on the shop
online before the weekend and item can be brought to the reunion.
Should you wish to take advantage of the pool/Jacuzzi area please book in with reception the reason being is to
avoid overcrowding as they prefer 10/15 people using the facility at any one time.
Parking over the weekend will be by street parking or there is a pay and display at Ma Kelly’s this is cheaper
than the Imperial who were going to start charging us for a 24hr period.
The hotel is looking forward to welcoming us back after many years, 2 of the bar staff remember us and are happy
to keep the bar open for as long as people are drinking. There is also a discount on drinks. Although I have not
been given the % yet.
The Photographer, Glenn (who is ex RAF so please be gentle) will be set up in the quiet lounge from 17:00 for formal
photographs. He will only be there for an hour so if you want your photograph taken, please arrive before 18:00. He
will then be around the hotel taking randoms pictures so please feel free to grab him for group photos.
During absent friends and speeches, the bar will not be serving so ensure you get your drinks before you sit down.
Lt Col Andrew Harman (regimental association chairman) will be in attendance and giving a short speech on HHQ Welfare
and the regimental museum. Brigadier Smales may well than have a few words.
When checking in you will be given a welcome pack containing your wristbands and various bits of paper from the hotel.
Please ensure you have your wristband with you on the appropriate night. The gala dinner will be a choice from 3
starters/mains/desserts. Including vegetarian. In your pack will be a request form for your meal choice. Please
fill in for each person and hand into the hotel reception no later than midday on the Saturday. Menus will be circulated
when Lisa has printed them. If anybody has dietary needs outside vegetarianism, then please contact the hotel direct.
Due to numbers and payments entry to the function room is strictly for those with a wristband. However, once the buffet/meal
has been cleared away the room will be accessible to all to enjoy the entertainment/military band.
Most importantly this is your reunion and the committee hope everyone has a fantastic weekend. I have provisionally booked
reunion 2025 for May bank holiday weekend but will not confirm until 2024 has been done and dusted and we are happy the hotel
has lived up to expectations.
Prunts, 7 April 2024
Noah’s Arc Reunion 2024
Due to several issues that I have found with the Imperial hotel over this last reunion as well as the increasing
cost to both the Arc and all of you, which I found to be excessive, and the fact that we are not as big as we once
were and cannot fill the Imperial. The committee have been on the hunt for a new venue for reunion 2024.
I have the pleasure in announcing that the next reunion will be held on 26th and 27th April 2024 and we will be
returning to the Sheraton Hotel on Queens Promenade Blackpool. Since our last
reunion there they have had a major refurb and the cost is better than most other hotels can offer.
The cost is as follows:
1) For both the Friday and Saturday it is £175 per person, this includes Dinner bed and Breakfast, a glass of bubbly
on the Friday before the entertainment which is included in the price (therefore not paid for from our funds).
2) For those wishing to stay on the Thursday and/or Sunday the cost is just £45 pppn with dinner bed and breakfast
and entertainment included. Meaning 2 people staying Thurs/Fri/Sat the full cost will be £440. Much cheaper that we
can now get anywhere else.
3) Those who don’t want to stay at the hotel but wish to attend the functions will have to purchase a wristband as
usual costing £25 for the Friday and £32 for the gala dinner, available via the shop nearer the time.
From tomorrow 2nd June you are now able to book your rooms by calling 01253 352723 and quoting 'Noah’s Arc',
however they do require a deposit of £50 pp with the balance payable upon arrival at the hotel.
They have around 18 single rooms allocated so please mention if you want one, and several fully accessible rooms, please
mention at time of booking if you require one of these.
Once email confirmation is received, please check and contact the hotel if something is not correct and read the info
The hotel website can be found here. Click Here,
so please have a look around.
More details will follow nearer the time. And a few things are still being looked at, but I am confident they can cater
for all our needs and we can fill the place. I intend to keep the popular drinks reception on the Saturday and formal
photography in addition to a few extras but if there is anything anybody would like to see at the reunion give me or Darryl
a shout and we can see if its feasible.
So get booking and lets have another great weekend
Prunts, 1 June 2023

01253 352723

First, I wish to thank everyone who attended the reunion at the weekend whether you sat down for dinner or just popped in for a drink,
without all your support we would not be one of the greatest military reunions anybody could wish to attend.
My special thanks go to Dave Ashton who stepped in and marched in the flag with such pride, as due to timings mix up Jack was unable to,
but hope you get to do it next year.
All in all, again it was a successful reunion with many new as well as old faces and the gift of the absent friends’ glass went down
very well (I did order extra for the shop so if you want extra or didn’t sit down then these can be ordered on the online shop soon
as a reasonable rate of course).
150 sat down for the Gala Dinner with many more joining us in the bar later and in total the weekends attendance was around the 250/300
mark a fantastic effort.
I have now paid the bills and attached a statement of account, and you will see we spend more than we have left so should anybody wish
to make donations then please feel free.
I will also be revamping the shop in the coming days so come have a look around.
I have received prices already from the imperial and that said I have decided again to look at other venues so we may be on the move,
watch this space for announcements for next year.
OPENING BAL: £8395.56 | |
DONATIONS: £296.20 | SUPPLIERS: £292.88 |
SHOP SALES: £1718.94 | WEB HOSTING: £110.36 |
RAFFLE: £700.00 | HOTEL INVOICE: £1,967.75 |
TOMBOLA: £136.00 | GLASS GIFT: £625.00 |
REUNION SHOP: £176.57 | SUNDRIES: £193.23 |
FRIDAY BAND: £815.00 | |
SAT BAND: £400.00 | |
SAT SINGER: £200.00 | |
PHOTOGRAPHER: £235.00 | |
FRI/SAT DJ: £675.00 | |
MINI REUNION 18 JULY: £360.00 | |
£11,813.27 | - £6,124.82 |
Prunts, 26 April 2023

Available to view online now - link to purchase online any photographs of your choice: Click Here

Nothing compares to a weekend at the Noah's Arc Annual Reunion. The photos below prove it!
If you have a few photos you can send them along by email to "hussar1420@gmail.com" and they can be added to our collection.

Thursday 20th April
Guest Arrival 12:00hrs- onwards
Get Drunk, Reminisce and enjoy!!
Dinner at Leisure 18:30hrs-20:00hrs…………………………………………….Palm Court
Friday 21st April
Breakfast: 08:00hrs – 10:30 hrs……………………………………….….Palm Court
Guest arrival: 12:00hrs – onwards…………………………………………...Reception area
Club shop open: 13:00hrs – 14:00hrs…………………………………………...Boston Room
Evening function: 18:30hrs – Late……………………………………………..……Washington suite
• There will be 15% discount on the bar in the louis suite throughout the day but please note this will NOT be available in the main reception bar.
• The evening function will be in the theme of 1940s era with entertainment from the famous Bluebird Belles with disco till late. A selection of hot and cold buffet will be served, and the bar will be giving a 15% discount on drinks.
• During the evening a raffle will take place with several prizes, all money raised will be donated to the Ghurkha welfare trust along with a scratch card where the winner will receive a bottle of regimental Gin.
• Entry to the function is with your wristband however following the buffet the room will be open to all to take advantage of the bar discount and to jive the night away.
• Dress smart casual/ 1940s attire.
Saturday 22nd April
Breakfast: 08:00hrs – 10:30 hrs……………………………………….….Palm Court
Guest arrival: 12:00hrs – onwards…………………………………………...Reception area
Club shop open: 13:00hrs – 14:00hrs…………………………………………...Boston Room
Tombola: 13:00hrs – 15:00hrs……………………………………………Louis/Aperitif
Drinks reception: 17:30hrs - 19:00hrs …………………………………………..Louis/Aperitif
During the drinks reception there will be an opportunity for formal photographs in the Churchill suite
Gala Dinner: 19:30hrs - 11:59hrs……………………………………………Washington suite
19:15 Drum call to dinner
19:20 Fanfare
19:30 Flag to be marched in by Jack Woodruff
NB During the formalities and toast to absent friend the bar will Not be serving.
19:45 Dinner Served.
Due to the Kings Coronation, we have been unable to secure a military band, however during dinner we will be entertained by the fantastic Melissa Rose. Those that attended last year will remember Melissa from Reunion 22 where she performed solo on the Friday evening. It is also hoped we have some form of band to play the Sqn/Regtl Marches.
Dress is Suit/tie or Blazer. A few requested Black tie so this is optional.
Following the Dinner (During Coffee) please note that the bar in the Washington suite will be open to all Hawks and a raffle will take place during the evening and all money raised throughout the day on scratch cards and tombola will be for Noah’s arc funds.
15% Discount will continue in the Washington suite and the Louis/Aperitif bars.
Points to note:-
When booking in with reception over the weekend please ensure you enter your car registration number into the iPad on the desk to cover the duration of your stay. (This ensures free parking) Failure to do so will result in a fine, as the carpark is now run by a private firm.
If you have not already contacted Lisa Craddock please see the table plan that will be displayed from Thursday in the reception area and add your names into any empty spaces you wish to sit during the Gala dinner. Friday seating will be first down, best seats.
For those who have ordered wristbands for collection at the reunion they can be collected from the Boston room during shop opening hours if you can’t make that then they will be placed behind reception.
Please keep your eye on the notice board in the reception area in case of any changes
And most of all please ensure you all have a fantastic weekend.
Chicken Liver Parfait
House Chutney, Toasted Brioche, Pea Shoots
Goats Cheese Tart (V)
Red Onion, Roquette, Pesto
Beef Featherblade
Blue Cheese Dumpling, Braised Leek, Red Wine Jus
Katsu Curry (VE)
Crispy Tofu, Coconut Rice
Chocolate Brownie (VE)
Orange Sorbet, Candied Peel
Tea & Coffee
Andy_P -
Wristbands available on our Online Shop HERE: Click Here

Following a meeting with the Imperial on 1/3/2023 they state that rooms are filling fast so if you intend staying at the hotel please book in asap
Those deciding to stay elsewhere function wristbands can now be purchased on the link below, please give full names of those attending and should
you wish to collect at the reunion I will have them for your arrival
Remember to contact Lisa Craddock Was Shaw with you preferred seating groups although you can fill names onto the seating plan over the weekend
(this helps with tables required) again please give Lisa full names not nicknames.
Any dietary requirements please contact me and I will pass on to the hotel nearer the time.
A full itinerary and menus will be sorted within the next few weeks when loose ends have been tied up.
Wristbands available on our Online Shop HERE: Click Here

REUNION 2023 - Bookings now being taken
Our Chairman and Committee are delighted to announce details for our Annual Reunion 2023
The event will take place at The Imperial Hotel Blackpool from 20th - 23rd April. Bookings are being taken now.
For those not staying at the hotel:
Fri wristband no change @ £25
Sat Wristband increase to £29
To make a booking telephone Reservations: 01253 754616 and quote "Noah's Arc".
Or click here to make an online Booking: Book online
non-Resident tickets for Friday Night Event £25, and for Saturday Night Event £29
Admission to these Events is by Ticket Only (if non-Residents) available online soon from the Noah's Arc Online Shop: www.1420th.org.uk/shop/ - Click Here (When available)
Anyone not attending the Events can use the bar close to Reception.
All other cost increases will be met by the Arc
Friday entertainment details below: :)

REUNION 2023 - Let's get ready to rumble !!!

Our Newsletters are available here on the website. A statement of Account is often included.
Click Here: Click Here


Click Here: Click Here

You are welcome to leave comments on our Forum here:

We are pleased to present the following story of his experiences, from our very own
Bill Bentley MM
A Falkland Islands War Medic
A Warrior's Report
Bill Bentley spent much of his service life in the 14th/20th King's Hussars (and Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry) but his bravery has been partcularly recorded about his time with 2 Para as a Medic.
- * Bill served in Junior Leader's Regiment (RAC) as a Warrant Officer Class 2 from 1970.
- * 1420H (Trooper) 1972
- * Parachute Squadron, RAC (Lance Corporal) 1973
- * 1420H (Corporal) 1976
- * The 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment (2 PARA) (Lance Corporal) 1979
- * Duke of Lancaster's Own Yeomanry (Staff Sergeant) 1985
Bill welcomes feedback which you are invited to leave on our Forum here: Click Here

Newsletter April 2021
Our Chairman Andy Prunty has produced a Newsletter in the absence of Reunions for a couple of years.
The Forward is from our President, Brigadier JR Smales.
You can see the full Newsletter on our Main Website here: Click Here

Message from our Chairman - Andy Prunty
Following a conversation with the Imperial hotel today I sadly announce that reunion 2021 is again to be cancelled due to that pesky
If you have booked direct with the hotel mentioning Noah's ARC then no money will be taken. If however you have used a third party
booking site then you will need to cancel via that site. On a brighter note reunion 2022 has been provisionally booked for weekend
of 23rd April and you will be advised when you are able to book your rooms.
We wont have had a reunion for 2 years and the added fact that it would be our centenary we aim to make 2022 something to remember
and we are reserving all 180 rooms so if you don't normally, please consider staying at the hotel so it will be ours for the weekend.
The committee is looking into some form of get together later this year assuming we can all meet up. and ideas are afoot for other
I am, as you may have noticed, going to restart the popular auctions as some very nice items have been donated by various members
of the ARC.
Please spread the word amongst other sites stay safe and the beer will flow soon enough ......

We regret that due to the ongoing Covid restrictions we have had to cancel the Preston reunion, which was to be held at the Barton Grange Hotel, on Saturday 7th November 2020.
Arrangements for the Remembrance Service on Sunday 8th November, at St Lawrence's Church, Barton, will be confirmed shortly.

We're now open for business and more and more items will be on offer.
One major new feature is that our Members can sell online their own items. No restrictions, anything you want. Whether it's something you're making yourself, or something you've brought down from the attic, you can get wide coverage of items for sale within our Online Shop.

Sorry - this event has been cancelled owing to Covid-19.
See you all in 2021 :)

Sorry - this event has been cancelled owing to Covid-19.
See you all in 2021 :)
Enquiries? Email Steve

Friday 22nd November 2019 marks the 170th Anniversary of the Battle of Ramnuggar. On the 22nd November 1848 on the banks of the Chenab in the Punjab, HM 14th Light Dragoons fought a savage battle in order to force the Sikhs back across the river. Colonel William Havelock led his troops not only to the edge of the river but into it, where they became almost immobile and suffered heavy losses including the loss of Colonel Havelock.
Our regiment still 'celebrates' that battle today, so I ask all visitors to join us in a salute to -
"The Heroes of Ramnuggar"
Read about what Noah's Arc did for Ramnuggar: Ramnuggar - click here

A reminder that this years Northern Reunion will be held on Sat 10th Nov at the Barton Grange Hotel (1900hrs), Preston, followed by a Remembrance Service on Sunday 11th at St Lawrence Church, Barton (1000hrs).
On Sunday morning the Remembrance Service will be held in the Church of St Lawrence, Barton, and we are hoping that as many Old Comrades as possible will attend to mark this 100th anniversary of the guns falling silent at the end of the Great War.
The marching party will form up in the hotel car park before marching the short distance to church. Please note that the Boars Head pub, adjacent to the church, has closed and the car park is no longer available for use. Those attending the service are asked to park in the far side of the Barton Grange car park (on the left as you enter), please do not use the car park in front of the hotel, unless you are a guest of the hotel.
At the present time there are no ashes awaiting interment to the Columbarium for this year.

The Regimental Rosette was instituted by Colonel David Woodd in 2012. It is intended to recognise those who support or provide a service to The King’s Royal Hussars or the Regimental Association through their individual personal endeavour or contribution.
Recent 1420H Awards
Mr Peter Farrell | Association Support and Chairman, Noah's Arc |
Mr Paul Baker | Association Support and Chairman, Noah's Arc |
Mr Bryan Lythgoe | Hawk on a Walk |
Mr Paul Wigmore | Association Musician |
Captain Bob Harrison | Founder and Chairman, Noah's Arc |
Lieutenant Colonel Brian Draper MBE | President, Noah's Arc |
We congratulate all recipients. You can view the full list of awards here:

In May 2016 Bryan Lythgoe carried out a sponsored walk from Fulwood Barracks in Preston (UK) to Peninsular Barracks in Winchester (UK), a distance of some 240 miles in 5 days. He was raising money in aid of
The King’s Royal Hussars Welfare Trust.
Bryan completed his 'Hawk for a Walk' on Wednesday 25th May. Although the event is complete your contiued sponsorship is appreciated and very welcome. The total currently stands at over £4500 and climbing, lets see if we can get him over the £5000.00 mark.

During the 2015 Freedom Parade in Preston a spontaneos rendition of 'Sussex By The Sea' by the group of 1420H lads assembled for a photograph added to the wonderful spectacle.

Having corresponded with Thapa for a few years (Medicina connection) I'm pleased to welcome him as a Honorary Member of the 14th/20th. An Olympic Boxer and a legend amongst the Gurkha community he is most welcome. For the record, Thapa is also an Olympic boxer.
He says:
"My dear Mr. Robert Harrison and all members of 14th/20th King Hussars Regiment's Association, I find a great surprised once arrived from Nepal in evening on July 15, 2014, Hong Kong my wife told me there is a parcel then found the wonderful gifts.ie.14th/20th King Hussars Regimental T shirt, special badges and a token letter. I really appreciated, thanks a lot. I am very proud and very glad on wearing your famous Regimental T shirt. I am deserving your gifts with great dignity, regards and respects. Once again many thanks. It's wonderful."
Namaste and welcome, Saheb