Switch on = switch it off ...

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Bill Bentley
Posts: 439
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
Location: Spain
Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Switch on = switch it off ...

Post by Bill Bentley »

I'm guessing that English TV works on the same principle as German TV: the better a programme is the longer and more frequent the adverts are.
l used to flip from one chanel to the next until l found somewhere without adverts. More recently this has become a waste of time, because it seems that THEY all do adverts at the same time.
l also had the feeling that the add's go on for ever and they are so sickeningly pathetic, begging for one hopeless cause or another, or promoting the 'rights' of this that or the other perverted minority, or coaxing kids to eat toxic snacks and adults to abuse themselves in a similar manner.
So l timed the ad's and they now last a full 7 minuets !
Now l just turn the bloody box off, wait about 6 ½ minuets and then switch it back on again.
lf millions of us would all do the same perhaps they would stop wasting their money and our time.
Or is there someone out there that actually enjoys the ad's ... is it just me being obnoxious as usual ?
Honestly, l have never bought a product because of an advert; when l need something l search for it !
Oh well time up, TV back on, hardly worth watching anyway ...
Posts: 297
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Location: Western Australia
Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia.
Real name:
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Re: Switch on = switch it off ...

Post by Arnie »

Hi Bill, and Yall

as usual, you are spot on. Brenda thinks I am a bit over the top about these interminable ADs because before I stopped watching TV I used to sit there with a stopwatch in my hand. According to my recollections, it used to be that the actual programmes were, not an hour-long! but TV watchers quickly realised that the programmes are produced to be 50 mins long to allow for 10 mins of adverts in every hour. This seems to have been discontinued and they, the commercial networks, now do what they like. The BBC which is supposed to be ad-free. but I am told they fill in that 10 minutes with public service announcements. This, hopefully, is only with programmes they don't produce themselves, but purchase from independent production companies.
As you will have noticed, I long ago went on to the computer and now spend all my time on it.
Bill Bentley
Posts: 439
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
Location: Spain
Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
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Re: Switch on = switch it off ...

Post by Bill Bentley »

Hi Arnie,
'mmm, computer eh, therein lays my weakness !
I'm up to watching things on utube, but they also have adverts, shorter but more frequently and then in Spanish.
l have found a few old favoirites like 'Only fools and Horses', Porridge, Les Dawson, Bernard Manning, Billy Connolley and they make me cry laughing. Bollocks to all of this Politically Correct CRAP, just enjoy it !

l also listen to some 'golden oldies' like Sinatra & Dean Martin, Roger Whitacker, Cat Stevens, John Denver, Kenny Rogers & Co.. Much better on utube than what's on TV.

Even though we live in Spain we still have to pay the German TV Licence because our mobile phones have the German dialing code. Robbing scumbags !

As you say the BBC and the German 1st Channel are not allowed to advertise but they spend simply ages promoting their own reporters and programmes.
l have only very rarely turned on the TV to watch a particular programme because of a preview.
l turn it on when my chores are done and l want to relax and be entertained, Ha, so the theory. TV has unfortunately become a tool of political indoctrination and advertising harmful crap that almost nobody needs.
Switching off has been a great success, l'm finding more time to do little chores every half an hour or so and just getting up off the sofa helps the digestion and circulation. It's a win, win for me !

You and Brenda take care
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Location: Alberta, Canada
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Re: Switch on = switch it off ...

Post by Pinky »

PG Tips
Double Diamond
Cherry Brandy

There's a few adverts that were good.......

Posts: 297
Joined: Sun Dec 29, 2019 12:42 pm
Location: Western Australia
Service details: Enlisted in 14th/20th King's Hussars on 2 Feb 1959.
Served Hohne and Rheindahlen 1959 - 1962
Libya 1962 Cyprus with C Sqn Dec 1963 - Feb 1964. Returned to Benghazi
then to Tripoli with B Sqn until Sep 1964. Left for Courses in NBC then to 7 Armoured Brigade till 1967.
Transferred to Intelligence Corps 67. First posting to Northern Ireland 67 - 70.
Singapore 70 - 71, Hong Kong 71 - 72. NI 72 - 74. NITAT (Northern Ireland Training and Advisory Team) 74 - 76. Berlin 76 - 79. Final Posting, Preston Int and Security Section. Stupidly Retired on 1 Feb 81, and emigrated to Australia.
Real name:
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Re: Switch on = switch it off ...

Post by Arnie »


"Masochist" :D :D :D :D
Bill Bentley
Posts: 439
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2019 6:40 pm
Location: Spain
Service details: 1970 - JLR RAC, 14/20KH, Para Sqn RAC, 14/20KH, Hereford, 14/20KH, 2 Para, DLOY - 1990.
Real name: Martin William Lester Bentley (Bill) (Basha !)
x 1
x 39

Re: Switch on = switch it off ...

Post by Bill Bentley »

There have been a few good attempts at fun ad's, but the PC Brigade get them banned.
If it ain't foreign, queer or disabled they won't allow it. One could be forgiven for thinking there aren't any white, hetro, healthy europeans left in Western Europe.
So l guess you guys, being as far away as possible from it all, are as chuffed as can be.
Where l am is about as remote as you can get in Europe and l am content with my lot ... as long as l'm left in peace.

It seems that the Yanks are not quite as bad as we Europeans ...
I hear that Mike Tyson is selling canabis cakes in the shap of an ear. His slogan is: 'go on, take a bite'; no shit ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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