The Imperial Hotel, Blackpool
from: Thursday 21st - Sunday 24th April
Bookings are being taken now with details as follows:
- Dinner, bed & breakfast, per person, per night (sharing a room): £65. Minimum stay 2 nights (Must include Friday & Saturday)
- There are 8 single rooms available on a 1st come-1st served basis
- Single occupancy of a double room @ £25 supplement
- Prices include Free parking, Noah's Arc discount on drinks (Noah's Arc Function room), and free admission to our Friday night and Saturday night events inclusive of buffet/meal.
- No payment until 28 days prior to the weekend. Refunds for any cancellations within the 28 days period will only be payable if/when the room is re-sold.
non-Resident tickets for Friday Night Event £25, and for Saturday Night Event £25.
Admission to these Events is by Ticket Only (if non-Residents) available online soon from the Noah's Arc Online Shop: Click Here
Anyone not attending the Events can use the bar close to Reception.
We've missed you - let's make this one to remember!
More details coming soon